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Disciple or Volunteer?

Why does the church sometimes ask for “volunteers” to usher, lector, help in the food pantry or other ministries? A volunteer is someone who agrees to do something out of their own will and choice, “voluntarily” we say. What we seem to mean when we ask for volunteers is “Would you choose to spend your extra time and energy helping with this?” The focus is on the individual’s choice and the use of surplus time and energy, left over after the demands of “work” and “family” and other responsibilities.

Individual choice and left-over time and energy, however, miss what following Jesus is all about: God’s choice and all our time and energy. When we pray the Lord’s Prayer, we pray, “Your will be done,” meaning we are asking that we would be changed to want what God wants. We are praying, “Help me choose what you choose, God!” A disciple is not interested in their own will but God’s will.

When Jesus saves us from Sin and Death and says, “follow me,” he’s not asking for only our left-overs but for us to see all of our time and energy and possessions are used to follow him. At work, disciples are really working for Jesus, giving our best effort and growing in our skills for Jesus’s sake, not primarily for the boss or customers. At school, disciples are learning about the world and themselves to better serve Jesus and neighbors. When relaxing with friends, we’re resting so that we have energy and healthy relationships to follow Jesus. Our time and energy at church is a part of this larger understanding that everything we have are gifts that disciples use for God’s purposes.

For this New Year, what would it be like if church leaders asked for “disciples” to help with something rather than “volunteers”? Would that help you think differently about yourself and all your activities as opportunities to follow Jesus?

Blessed New Year to every disciple,

Pastor Peter


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